Developing fearlessness – day course with Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab
Join us for this very special opportunity to receive powerful teachings from senior Buddhist teacher Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab.
On this course Gen-la Khyenrab will share Buddha’s teachings on developing fearlessness. Gen-la will explain the teachings on Equalising and Exchanging self and others which are powerful method for healing our mind of our anxieties and fears and awakening our potential for deep love and compassion for others.
Book in-person or online and make your life happy and meaningful.
Course venue: Kadampa Meditation Centre Birmingham. 44 Blucher Street, Birmingham. B1 1QJ.
The Centre is conveniently located 8 minute’s walk from New Street station and next to The Mailbox.
In stock
Nobody wishes to experience fear and yet fear and anxiety is a common experience.
Our anxieties prevent us from experiencing the deep peace and happiness that we all have the potential to enjoy.
We can spend our lives trying to arrange and control the pieces of our life so as to feel we can finally relax and be happy. Yet no matter how hard we try to do this, we often experience an underlying uncertainty and fear which undermines our ability to truly enjoy life.
Buddha says that all fears come from an untamed mind. Our peace of mind is disturbed by our egocentric view of the world. This mistaken view causes us to see our entire life as a desperate mission to try to protect the self and make it feel comfortable. However, this pursuit will never succeed because it is this very egocentric view of the world that is at the core of all our fear and pain. It is only be recognising and weakening this view, that we can begin to truly alleviate our fears.
If we train our mind to see the interconnected nature of all beings and the relativity of self and others, we can gradually reduce our fears, relax and find peace.
We can all develop a more realistic and balanced view of our relationship with others and our place in this world by engaging in the Buddhist practice of equalising and exchanging self and others.
This training gives rise to the development of stable and authentic confidence, optimism, a deep sense of purpose and ultimately liberation from all fears.
On this day course, Gen-la Khyenrab will lead us on a meaningful exploration of the Buddhist practice of Equalising and exchanging self with others.
Come and learn this magical and transformative practice.
The day will include practical advice for a happy life and guided meditations.
Everybody welcome
We are extremely fortunate to be welcoming Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab to KMC Birmingham to teach this day course.
Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab is a retired General Spiritual Director of the NKT-IKBU, he has trained closely with Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for more than forty years. His humility and pure example reflect his many years of reliance on his Spiritual Guide.
An internationally renowned Teacher, he is greatly admired as a sincere practitioner and a powerful Teacher. He is also well-known for his wisdom and deep understanding of Buddha’s teachings, and for his pure example of compassion and loving-kindness.
Sign up now and book your place
When is it?
Saturday 12th April 2025 10am-4pm
Where is it?
Kadampa Meditation Centre Birmingham. 44 Blucher Street, Birmingham. B1 1QJ
What does it cost?
- £30 (£25 advance booking)
- Free for Benefactor members
- Or why not consider a membership which includes multiple weekly classes and weekend workshops for only £35/month?
Day course 10am-4pm
Session 1 – 10am-11.15pm
Session 2 – 12-1.15pm
Session 3 (includes Q&A) – 2.45-4pm
Book now
Everybody welcome