Life of Buddha – film and food evening
Life of Buddha – film and food evening
Saturday 5h April
1pm – 4.30pm
Join us for a delicious vegetarian meal followed by an uplifting, informative and inspring presentation of the Life of Buddha.
Venue: Kadampa Meditation Centre Birmingham. 44 Blucher Street,
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About the event
Join us for a delicious vegetarian meal followed by an uplifting, informative and inspring presentation of the Life of Buddha.
The Life of Buddha is a special dramatic presentation, inspired by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche and his teachings, that visually captures the essence of Buddha Shakyamuni’s life. Based on the twelve principal deeds of Buddha, it reveals in a clear and moving way the essential characteristics of a spiritual life.
A source of constant encouragement and inspiration in our lives
By watching this play we can:
- Discover the deeper levels of the spiritual message of Buddha’s life.
- Be inspired and encouraged to take the real meaning of our human life.
- Learn how we accomplish this meaning by attaining the supreme happiness of enlightenment.
Everyone welcome
When is it?
Saturday 5th April 1pm – 4.30pm
What does it cost?
KMC Birmingham. 44 Blucher Street, Birmingham. B1 1QJ
(conveniently located next to The Mailbox – 8 minutes walk from New Street station)