Saturday workshop: Dealing with Difficult People
Saturday 8th March
With Gen Kelsang Leksang
On this Saturday morning workshop you will learn how to let go of anger, frustration and resentment in relation to behaviour your perceive to be challenging. Buddha’s teachings provide a wealth of techniques that can enable us to improve our relationships with others by changing our own view towards them.
At Kadampa Meditation Centre Birmingham. 44 Blucher Street. B1 1QJ
The course will include guided meditations and practical advice for a happier mind.
Everybody welcome
In stock
Dealing with people is such a big part of our lives. Often we find others difficult to live or work with, because our priorities differ, our opinions clash and we feel unable to fulfil our wishes. As a result we then blame others for our feeling stressed and miserable.
In these classes we will learn how we can change and dramatically improve all our relationships simply by changing our way of viewing others and therefore relating differently to them.
By applying these practical methods in our daily life, our relationships will become harmonious and satisfying for everyone involved and difficult people will disappear from our lives.
The day will include guided meditations, teachings, discussion and time for Q&A
Discover how you can:
- Learn how to stay calm and strong when challenged
- How to reduce your frustration and anger
- Improve your relationships with others
Everyone is welcome! Book now
The format
In-Person and livestreamed for members
The teacher
The teacher of this class is Gen Kelsang Leksang, she has been an ordained Buddhist nun for 17 years. She has been studying under the guidance of the meditation master Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso for over 20 years and was first appointed as resident teacher at KMC Birmingham in 2007.
Known for her caring and positive manner, she has the ability to inspire people to improve their own lives by showing how Buddha’s teaching are relevant to the experiences of modern people.
When is it?
Saturday 8th March 10am -1pm
Where is it?
Kadampa Meditation Centre Birmingham. 44 Blucher Street, Birmingham. B1 1QJ
What does it cost?
- £18 advance booking (£25 on the door).
- Or why not consider a membership which includes multiple weekly classes and weekend workshops for only £35/month?
Everybody welcome